Friday, July 6, 2012

Prepare your vision and plan, and your mentor will show up!

Posted by: Michael Ellison on: May 1, 2012
Can you imagine how radically your life would change if you lost your vision?
I have to admit I rarely think about it as I have been blessed with good vision; even in my 60s I still have no vision issues nor require readers.  I am grateful.  But if I lost my vision, my life would change radically. I could not just jump into any of my vehicles whether at home or the ranch and drive to the destination of my choice; I could not open a fly box to find the perfect color pattern to raise a trophy trout feeding in the riffles; and I would not be able to enjoy watching the natural beauty of my bird dogs as they work the fields and brush.
You get the point: our lives would be radically different.  But the point I am really making is that this same idea applies to many other areas of our lives.
Assuming we all want to be successful in life, my observation of successful people in any field of endeavor – corporate, entrepreneurial, sports, music, etc. –  is that a clear vision seems very evident in their lives.  In fact, many of these people have visions way beyond our worldview and they can even clearly see how to simplify complexity.  We refer to the super wealthy like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison as great visionaries.  They have a different view of the world!
My second observation of successful people is that they always have a plan to implement their vision.  So it is pretty easy to connect the dots.  Create a clear vision and develop a plan to achieve success – and yet 95% of people do not go through the simple exercise of vision, plan and goals.
Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series of books, wrote another book called “The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth.”  He was in my office and gifted me this book which I greatly appreciated.  In the book, one chapter covers mentoring.  You know my teachings on Lead, Serve, Mentor!!  He writes that when the student is ready, the teacher shows up.  When we are ready to expand our vision and develop our plan, the teacher shows up.
What Mark writes is very interesting as he states that the most common form of mentorship is serendipitous, meaning, discovered by accident.  If you are open and teachable you can accidently be taught by people you meet about your vision and plan.
But a serendipitous mentor doesn’t have to always be a person.  It can be anything that causes you to change course in life, anything that gives insight and enlightenment to your vision and plan.  It can be a life-threatening disease, a job loss, or a financial crisis but it can also be a big audacious idea!
For me, it was losing my health and then the commitment to go on a wellness journey to discover the keys to wellness.  On my journey, the audacious idea was to see how many people all over the world I could inspire to join me on the journey, which led to the founding of TriVita.  The vision gets clearer and bigger every day and yes, the serendipitous mentors keep coming into my life to help enhance the vision and plan.
I am so excited about the new TriVita Wellness Center with its cutting-edge telemedicine tools along with eCoaching.  Can you imagine your Siri smart phone calling you each morning with your wellness plan activities outlined for the day, based on your vision and plan developed at the wellness center!!  Oh, yes!!!!
We are opening our Hong Kong center in September.  The vision grows every day… Barry Borthistle and Mark Victor Hansen and his lovely wife, Crystal, are creating a big audacious vision for that grand opening!
I can’t wait for the Galaxy of Stars to share the vision of the next 12 months.  I just spoke with Cheryl Tiegs who will be at GOS and she is absolutely thrilled to carry the torch out front of this March to a Million Campaign.  She has asked if she can be the spokesperson and go to the media with this audacious idea of inspiring a million people to improve the quality of their lives.
I hope you are working on your plan to get your new iPad at Galaxy of Stars… the tools will be amazing to help you achieve the success you desire for your life.
Yes, when the student is ready to expand the vision and plan, the serendipitous mentor shows up!!

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