Friday, July 6, 2012

Greater Wellness: Why Cheryl Tiegs Champions TriVita And Nopalea

Michael Dennis Independent TriVita Business Owner 13488749 (USA)


TriVita’s celebrity spokeswoman, supermodel and entrepreneur Cheryl Tiegs, is excited to attend her first Galaxy of Stars event in Phoenix next month. Tiegs is proud to lead the March to a Million Campaign and help bring wellness to the world as TriVita climbs toward one million Nopalea Wellness Challenges by GOS 2013.Supermodel Cheryl Tiegs
I want to start by asking you some questions: Do you know anyone who has lost of their quality of life due to chronic pain?  Is their life’s purposes being put on hold by chronic pain, swelling and stiffness in their joints, muscles and bodily organs?  Is This Chronic Inflammation diminishing their quality of life experiences, and hindering their pursuit of their life’s goals?  What ever their level of pain and inflammation, they too can discover what Supermodel Cheryl Tiegs experienced.  Here’s why
 TriVita’s Spokes Woman Life Changing Wellness Issue 
Why would an astute entrepreneur, millionaire business woman like American Supermodel Cheryl Tiegs become the spokeswoman for TriVita?  One name; Nopalea! (no-pul-la-ya) This is the name of the breakthrough anti-inflammatory super fruit wellness drink from TriVita. Ms Tiegs lived a healthful lifestyle with a passion for fitness.  She loving hiking, yoga, walking and has done so all over the world. One day this all began to change when nearly excruciating hip and joint pains started diminishing her quality of life and she had to call off all her scheduled activities which she loved and made life meaningful.  but the worst was yet to come.
Doctor’s Orders And An Alternative Solution
After trying everything Cheryl and her doctor could come up with, her pain continued robbing her of her beloved activities, putting her lifestyle on hold.  Her doctor finally prescribed the treatment last resort… surgery.  Ms. Tiegs didn’t want this costly and painful operation, but wanted to look for another way to recover her wellness.  It was then that Ms Tiegs happen to hear about Nopalea and what it’s anti-inflammatory wellness properties were doing for others, Nopalea has some of the most powerful antioxidants, called bioflavonoids, known to leading edge science, which can douse the flames of Chronic Inflammation in the body.  Nopalea’s effectiveness also provides Nopalea Drinkers with feelings of Greater Wellness. Cheryl was very skeptical that a fruit drink could help her, but It was the sincere testimonies of current Nopalea drinkers who found success with Nopalea, that made her act. She felt reasoned that, If Nopalea had really help them, it should help her. I would guess “the full sixty day, no hassle money back guarantee” may have helped.
Nearly One Million: Nopalea Wellness Challenge Outcomes Astonish TriVita Leadership
Nearly one million Nopalea Drinkers who have accepted and finished the “Nopalea Wellness Challenge” and it’s loading phase relinquishment have reported experiencing “Greater Wellness” such as: diminished and ceasing of pain throughout their bodies, sleeping better, feeling less stressful, better overall breathing (especial those who experience breathing problems when they lay down) and improved skin quality.  TriVita has received tens of thousands of testimonial letters, each sharing what Nopalea’s anti-inflammatory properties which has help their bodies heal themselves. Nopalea flushes out everyday irritants, pollutants and particulate matters which cause chronic inflammation in the body.
TriVita and it’s thousands of Independent Affiliate Members where astounded at the testimonials they received. Even TriVita’s leadership were completely and unprepared for the glowing reports of ecstatic Nopalea Wellness Challenge participants that have flooded their offices since Nopalea was first introduced. Even Independent TriVita Business Owners were not expecting the stories that Nopalea Drinkers shared with them, even after their own wellness stories.   it prompted one Affiliate Member to coin the phrase “If inflammation is the problem, Nopalea Is The Solution”  Nopalea is yours and your loved ones inflammation solution. too
“Drink Nopalea And Thrive!”

Greater Wellness: More Than A Return To Wellness For Cheryl Tiegs
Following the Loading phase according to the  Nopalea Wellness Challenge guidelines, Mrs Tiegs, without surgery, is now back to all the activities that are so much part of her lifestyle, before the pain had taken her life hostage.  Now she not only has her life back returning to all the activities she thought she’d might never be able to do again, but has discovered whole new purpose and possibilities in her life.   Her astonishing experiences with Nopalea has compelled her to tell the world about TriVita and their flagship product NOPALEA.  Cheryl now tells everyone she knows what it did for her Nopalea can do for anyone you know who’s wellness issues are impacting their lives, that they too can experience “Greater Wellness” by drinking Nopalea. (You can now see her in TriVita’s nationally broadcast infomercial on TV)
“If Inflammation Is The Problem, Nopalea Is The Solution”

Get All The Facts About Chronic Inflammation And It’s Effects
To get informed about Inflammation and it’s effects read it here> The Secret Killer Health AlertFor more information on and to buy click this link> Nopalea
TIME Cover
TIME Cover Article
“The Secret Killer”
In fact Scientist and medical researchers are finding that Inflammation is closely linked to many of the serious and often deadly diseases.  TIME Magazine Cover article (February 23, 2004) called chronic inflammation
“The Secret Killer” and reveals the facts about chronic inflammation and its destructive effects on the human body; destroying the heart, liver, lungs, brain and other vital organs and the associated serious and often deadly diseases which cause a myriad of wellness issues.(Or Click Magazine Cover to read the full article)  Reading The Secret Killer Health Alert, you can find out how you too might benefit from participating in the “Nopalea Wellness Challenge”, taking the “Loading Phase”, and “Ignite the Sparks Of Greater Wellness”.
We hope this information can will prove some of the most valuable information you’ve ever gotten and they you will put it to use and change the your life and the live of the people you care about. Try Nopalea and learn more about our full line of all natural wellness and energy supplements.
A Partial Lineup Of TriVita’s Products  Click Image To Get Information On Products, Specials Savings And Creating Wealth And Becoming A Affiliate
We will bring you more from TriVita’s Charmian and CEO of TriVita Michael Ellison, Wellness Reports From TriVita Chief Science Officer Dr. Brazos Minshew and health and wellness articles from Dr. Judy
Michael Dennis is Owner. president and wellness consultant at Greater Wellness Coaching An Independent TriVita Business. 13488749

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